Wednesday, November 16, 2016 - 09:00 GMT
About the Event
The innovation game: breaking the rules
Free to UKSG members
Now in its fourth year, the UKSG Forum is the essential ‘London-based pre-Christmas’ event in the scholarly communications calendar. Supporting UKSG’s mission ‘to connect the knowledge community and encourage the exchange of ideas on scholarly communication’, the UKSG Forum offers short sessions on best practice and interesting projects. This highly anticipated meeting is free for UKSG members to attend, attracting nearly 400 delegates and offering a comprehensive exhibition, together with ample networking opportunities.
With thanks to the Forum's generous sponsors:
The innovation game: breaking the rules - #UKSGforum16
This year the Forum's focus is on innovation. Not all invention comes out of the ‘light bulb’ moment, often innovation is born out of periods of adversity where bending or breaking our preconceived ideas is the only way forward. In such environments, new business models, new workflows, new offers, new collaborations can form to overcome such barriers and UKSG Forum delegates want to hear about them.
UKSG Forum Working Group Co-Chairs
10:00-10:30 Systems and Technology
- Tracy Gardner (Simon Inger Consulting): Time to ditch the RDS? Evidence from reader study
- Vicki McGarvey (Staffordshire University): Let the users have their say! Impromptu conversations about resource discovery tools
- Richard Burkitt (EBSCO): Rethinking the LMS
10:40-11:10 Data
- Sara Gould (British Library): Data mining the UK's theses
- Colleen Campbell (ITHAKA International): Text mining research journals: the whole is greater than the sum of its parts
- Gemma Hersh (Elsevier): Text and data mining: how publishers are supporting researchers
11:20-11:50 Library Interaction
- Wendy Morris (Kingston University) and Leo Appleton (University of the Arts London): The Librarian as Superhero - time to break the mould
- Sarah Pittaway (University of Worcester): When is a librarian not a librarian?
- Julian Wood (University of Bristol): Personal Knowledge Management
12:00-12:30 Library engagement and impact
- Kirsty Baker (Open University): Does use of online libraries impact on student success?
- Rebekah Fleming and Josh Sendall (Lancaster University): Inspiring evolution: changing the working culture of the library through innovative practice
- Vanya Gallimore (University of York): Action plans and understanding academics: creative ways of engaging and supporting our academic colleagues
13:30-14:00 Thinking Smarter
- Rick Anderson (University of Utah): Better, not newer: why I’m ambivalent about innovation
- Andy Tattersall (University of Sheffield): Research Hacks - using animation to teach academics how to share their research and work smarter
14:10-14:40 Publishing Innovation
- Kat Palmer (Emerald Group Publishing): Speeding up publishing through innovation
- Timon Oefelein (Springer Nature): Publishing innovation (Bookmetrix, Open Peer Review, Publons partnership)
- Tom Mowlam (Ubiquity Press): Innovation from the margins: how new players in publishing are driving change
14:50-15:20 Data
- Andrew Pitts (PSI Ltd): An introduction to the IPregistry.org
- Tasha Mellins-Cohen (Semantico): Material properties: interactive data visualisations for students
- Hannah DeGroff (Jisc): Exposing ORCIDs through IRUS-UK
15:30-16:00 Library Interaction
- Grant Powell (Kanopy): True impact: the pursuit for gauging academic success, not just usage
- Zofia de Jong - Dzwig (Delft University of Technology): Library collection in times of research data
- Suzanne Tatham (University of Sussex): Are our collections really unique? Working with History academics and collection management tools
Booking for the 2016 Forum has now closed. For further information please contact Karen SadlerPrize Draw Passport
- visit the sponsor stands
- find out more about their products and services
- collect the sponsor stickers
- post your completed passport in the box at the registration desk
- win prizes!
What's the football connection?
It was on the site of the Grand Connaught Rooms in 1863 that the Football Association was established and the rules of the game that is now played around the world were first agreed. In recognition of this piece of international sporting history, UKSG Forum delegates are invited to dress in a manner that celebrates the beautiful game. There will be a bottle of champagne for the delegate judged to be wearing the most suitable attire. (The referee’s decision will be final!) |
Grand Connaught Rooms T: +44 (0)20 7405 7811 |
Please note that, although the UKSG Forum takes place at the same time of year as the UKSG One-Day Conference, it is a separate event and arrangements for attendance at one or both events should be made independently of each other.
NB: UKSG reserves the right to alter or vary the programme due to events or circumstances beyond its reasonable control without being obliged to refund monies.