Founded in 1977 by John Merriman, UKSG was originally known as the United Kingdom Serials Group, then the UK Serials Group. Now, with more than a third of members based outside the UK, it is simply known as UKSG.
Charitable Status
UKSG's charitable activities include:
- free or subsidised seminars and events (including free further education events)
- awards and bursaries for students and early career professionals
- free webinars and student workshops
- Insights, the UKSG journal - an open access journal with article processing charges (APCs) paid by UKSG
- research projects for the benefit of the wider community
- free student memberships
Our Articles of Association can be found here (updated 2020)
Our Byelaws can be found here (updated September 2023)
A company registered in England and Wales and limited by guarantee
Company Number: 4145775 Registered Charity Number: 1093946
Registered office: Witney Business & Innovation Centre, Windrush House, Windrush Industrial Park, Burford Road, Witney, OX29 7DX
VAT number: GB 348 8541 20