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Open for bookings Date: 29th and 30th April This seminar is designed for librarians involved in e-resource purchasing in academic institutions; specifically for librarians in…
This session will shine a spotlight on the activity of SHERIF’s Enhancement Groups which work with eResource providers to make service and platform improvements. You…
Open for bookings Date: 31st March to 2nd April Location: Brighton Centre, Brighton, UK The UKSG Annual Conference is a major event in the scholarly…
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Open for bookings Date: 29th and 30th April This seminar is designed for librarians involved in e-resource purchasing in academic institutions; specifically for librarians in…
This session will shine a spotlight on the activity of SHERIF’s Enhancement Groups which work with eResource providers to make service and platform improvements. You…
Open for bookings Date: 31st March to 2nd April Location: Brighton Centre, Brighton, UK The UKSG Annual Conference is a major event in the scholarly…

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