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The UKSG Annual Conference and Exhibition 2020 was due to be held at the Brighton Centre, however due to the global pandemic the event was cancelled - (see announcement here: The event is a major event in the scholarly communications calendar which attracts over 900 delegates each year from around the world - librarians, publishers, content providers, consultants and intermediaries. The conference combines high-quality plenary presentations, lightning talks and breakout sessions with entertaining social events and a major trade exhibition.


Monday, March 30, 2020 - 10:00 BST
Wednesday, April 1, 2020 - 13:15 BST

Venue Photos

Venue Photos

About the Event





Conference Details

The UKSG Annual Conference and Exhibition 2020 was cancelled due to the global pandemic - see announcement here:

The summary programme is available as a PDF online.  

The full programme is available below, along with a number of recorded sessions that were due to take place at the event, these can be found in the resources section below each presentation or collectively on the conference channel here - . (Please note that some of these session have software generated captioning and therefore are not 100% accurate.  If you would like a transcript of any of the presentations please feel free to contact



Programme and Speakers


Registration, refreshments and exhibition viewing


Refreshments and exhibition viewing


Opening of the conference

Followed by:

Greetings from NASIG, Kristen Wilson, President, NASIG

Presentation to the 2020 John Merriman Joint NASIG/UKSG Awards, Presented by Ian Jones, Taylor & Francis (UKSG Award sponsored by Taylor & Francis)

Presentation to the sponsored students and early career professionals (Award sponsored by Elsevier, Royal Society of Chemistry and Wiley)


Andrew Barker
Chair, UKSG

Andrew Barker has been Director of Library Services & Learning Development at Lancaster University since September 2019. Prior to that he held a number of senior roles within diverse university libraries, including the University of Liverpool and Liverpool John Moores University. Andrew was Chair of UKSG between 2018 and 2022, and has been Vice-Chair of SCONUL since December 2021.


The price of doing the same old thing is far higher than the price of change

Transformative Agreements are shaking up the traditional journal businesses. The subscription model, though it has proved persistent and resistant, struggles to be relevant in a digital world and is under pressure from advances in OA publishing. On the plus side: subscriptions provide a stable business framework; budgetary predictability for academic libraries; a means of spreading scholarly communication costs globally across academic institutions. Journal publishers have come to rely on upfront payments for publishing services. Under these conditions, our research landscape has thrived.

However change is needed. Exploding levels of research is just one of the factors that has put the subscription model under pressure; library budgets cannot keep pace with academic taskmasters cracking the whip to ‘Publish or Perish’.  Transformative Agreements provide an umbrella under which several forms of business-model metamorphosis are occurring. This talk describes how at the Microbiology Society, we calculated the price of change against the price of staying as we were; what guiding principles and vision drove our decisions, and the way in which we approached and executed changes designed to transition to a business model fit for purpose in the 21st century.

Gaynor Redvers-Mutton
Associate Director Biochemical Society/Portland Press Ltd

Gaynor is committed to develolping sustainable and fair routes enabling authors the choice of not for profit journals in which to publish their research.


What it means to be transformative: a faster path to an open future

Plan S and the drive towards a full and immediate open access future has put a sharp focus on the role research publishing and research publishers can play in speeding up the transition to full OA. This talk will explore the concept of transformative publishing, transformative journals and transformative read and publish deals in moving us towards an open sustainable research environment.                                                                      

Bringing together case studies/ live examples of those already making changes to workflows, this session will explore examples of current impact and take up, discuss what this could look like in practical terms for stakeholders and help address the main challenges stakeholders are facing in order to be able to move to a fully OA world.

Carrie Webster
Springer Nature


Transformation in the era of Plan S: Challenges and opportunities in the US

When Plan S was launched in September of 2018, many observers opined that the U.S. would never embrace a transition of the existing journal literature to immediate OA, dooming to failure the Plan S vision.  Eighteen months later, and how things have changed!  Or, at least, how they are changing.  This talk will describe recent developments and current prospects for OA transformation in the US, highlighting the challenges, opportunities, and diversity of approaches taking shape across the pond. 

Ivy Anderson
California Digital Libraries

Ivy Anderson is Associate Executive Director and Director of Collections at the California Digital Library, where she oversees a broad range of shared collections activities on behalf of the ten-campus University of California system, including primary responsibility for systemwide publisher negotiations.  Ivy is the CDL lead for UC’s efforts to transition major journal licenses to open access and serves as co-chair of UC’s systemwide Publisher Negotiations Task Force.  She currently chairs the Governing Council of SCOAP3, a global open access initiative in high energy physics, and is also on the steering group of the Plan S “Pricing Publisher Services” project. 


Lunch and exhibition viewing


Diamond Sponsors: ACS Update: Development of OA programmes, and product update

Alastair Cook
Regional Sales Director EMEA ACS Publications


Breakouts - Group A


Breakout session descriptions

Recorded Presentations available below 

The research technologist - A valuable allrounder in any academic team - Andy Tattersall,  The University of Sheffield 



Breakouts - Group B


Refreshments & exhibition viewing


Breakouts - Group C

Breakout session descriptions

Recorded Presentations available below 

 Developing an institution's textbook and courseware strategies Caroline Mackay  Jisc Collections Becky Hartnup Becky Hartnup Consulting  


Using chatbots to increase discovery and interaction with learning resources in Further Education

FE Learners and teachers can benefit from Chatbots that support searching within Jisc’s FE and Skills digital content services.

Benefits include:

  • Enabling discovery of relevant learning resources, making it more interactive than responding to questions
  • Empowering learners to have more opportunity for independent learning and resource discovery, alleviating queries to busy FE staff
  • Enabling LRC and teachers to ask about subscription services, therefore increasing the digital resources available to learners
  • Data gathered from queries will inform service improvements, shape how we deliver learning content, and ensure that we are best meeting the needs of the sector
Pete Collins


Let's ROR together! Building an open registry or research organisations

ROR (Research Organization Registry) is a community-led project to develop an open, sustainable, usable, and unique identifier for every research organization in the world. In this session, the ROR team and community stakeholders will discuss the problem ROR is trying to solve, walk through the basics of the registry, share example implementations of ROR IDs, and hear your ideas and questions about how adoption of ROR IDs can enable more efficient discovery and tracking of publications across institutions and funding bodies and support existing workflows within the UK and Europe related to OA policies, the REF, and more. Let’s ROR!

Maria Gould
The University of California


Supporting the STEAM Curriculum: Resource provision at the RCA

There has been a growing awareness among educators of the benefits of studying arts and sciences alongside one another, the evolution from STEM to STEAM. This meeting of arts and technology is increasingly important at the Royal College of Art, where researchers are engaging creatively with the challenges of society and producing innovative and far reaching results. This talk gives an insight into the interdisciplinary research landscape at the RCA and highlights the ways in which the library is seeking to support this learning environment.

Klara Finnimore
Royal College of Art

Klara is the Journals and E-Resources Librarian at the Royal College of Art. She has responsibility for managing and developing the RCA's online collection of journals and databases, as well as maintaining the current and archived print journal collections. She also contributes to the work of a number of committees across the library sector.


Exhibition viewing and Reception


Supper and quiz

Pre-booking was required.


Sponsored by Mary Ann Liebert Inc


Programme and Speakers


Registration, refreshments and exhibition viewing


What's on your reading list? A proof of concept decolonising the curriculum project

A group of three are currently undertaking a proof of concept project by reviewing the data captured for the CLA Licence of our key digitised readings in 2018/19.  The data will be reviewed, and authors tagged for gender, ethnicity/nationality and geographically where titles were published as well as the publishers. The findings will be sent to relevant departments to take into consideration when reviewing their curriculum and to contextualise the debate about existing attainment gap/decolonising the curriculum. The presentation will be on the general findings of this projects and the impact if any on departments and possible next steps.

Elizabeth Charles
Birkbeck, University of London

Elizabeth has worked in the higher education sector and in Library and information for more than 20 years. Her areas of interest are digital learning, digital/information literacy and widening participation; where these are employed in her current post as Assistant Director of Library Services (E-Services, Systems and Collections) at Birkbeck, University of London. She has been involved with the Association for Learning Technology since 2013 and became a Trustee in 2017. She is actively involved in TEL developments in her institution, working with academics and the Bloomsbury Learning Exchange consortium. One of her current areas of interest is working with an academic research centre on the 'Decolonising the Curriculum' at Birkbeck, alongside undertaking a proof of concept project in the Library and has recently had published an article on “Decolonizing the curriculum” at 


Practising inclusivity and diversity - reflecting your student cohort in hiring

Representation in libraries matters.  Recent research on the experience of BAME staff in academic and research libraries found that “that lack of diversity in the library profession was not being acknowledged, nor taken seriously, by the senior management of academic and research libraries.” This perpetuates inequality within librarianship and leads to our failing our customers.  Diverse teams perform better, have a better understanding of their customers they serve and are more innovative and creative.  In this talk I will share data on diversity at the University of Salford, what this tells us and the actions we are taking in response.

David Clay
University of Salford

David Clay is University Librarian at the University of Salford, providing strategic leadership and vision for libraries, learning spaces and print services. He previously served as Associate University Librarian (Learning and Research Support) at the University of Salford where he was responsible for developing services in support of teaching, learning and research and on development of the library’s collections. David’s current focus is on developing the academic library workforce to meet shifting priorities and new service directions.


Liberate our library: social justice and the need for change

The Goldsmiths Library Liberate our Library campaign seeks to align itself with the call for social justice amongst students by identifying practices that marginalise and discriminate against those in the minority. It also calls for the de-centring of Whiteness in the curriculum as well as on the bookshelves. This presentation will highlight the work so far, which includes: the liberate our degrees book suggestions and collection, working alongside academic departments to decolonise the curriculum, collaborating with teaching staff on inclusive reading lists using Talisplayer, and delivering workshops covering subjects like – Resistance researching, and Decolonizing research methods.

Marilyn Clarke
Goldsmiths, University of London


Refreshments & exhibition viewing


Breakouts - Group A

Breakout session descriptions

Recorded Presentations available below 

The research technologist - A valuable allrounder in any academic team - Andy Tattersall,  The University of Sheffield 


Community and university owned Open Infrastructure: Results from the MIT Landscape Scan

With increasing industry consolidation around researcher and publisher services, there are growing concerns that commercial and proprietary players will “lock in” the entire research life cycle. As a result more universities and non-profits are building platforms for the publication, preservation, and dissemination of research works from articles to monographs and beyond. In 2018, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation funded a project with the MIT Press and the MIT Knowledge Futures Group to conduct a landscape scan of open source platforms. John Maxwell of Simon Fraser University undertook this survey which resulted in an in-depth examination of several dozen open source platforms. This poster highlights key findings, including challenges around sustainability and scalability; strategies for effective collaboration; and potential next steps.

Heather Staines
Knowledge Futures/MIT

Heather Staines is Senior Consultant at Delta Think and Director of Community Engagement for the OA Data Analytics Tool. Her prior roles include Head of Partnerships for Knowledge Futures Group, Director of Business Development at Hypothesis, as well as positions at Proquest, SIPX, Springer SBM, and Greenwood Publishing Group/Praeger Publishers. She is a frequent participant at industry events including the COUNTER Board of Directors, Charleston Library Conference, STM Futurelab, Society for Scholarly Publishing, Council of Science Editors, NISO Transfer Standing Committee, and NASIG Digital Preservation Committee. She has a Ph.D. in Military and Diplomatic History from Yale University.


The Library as a modern Supermarket, how to keep stuff on the shelves without overstocking

“The library, as we know it, is obsolete. Now that most books are accessible online, the building once dedicated to silence and study is increasingly turning into a lively public gathering place—when it’s not disappearing altogether.”

Since before the turn of the millennium, I have been a “get rid of print” evangelist – libraries and library vendors should just work together on finding the best management and discovery options and users would happily follow……… or not, as it turns out. Library users are not that easy to sway, and it seems that despite a marked global decline in circulation, the joy of handling a physical book will be here for a good while still.  This poses certain problems for many libraries, as the public perception, and especially the perception of funders, has been swayed by constant messages like the one above. Now physical space is being repurposed for events, exhibitions and other cultural activities. In some countries it is also increasingly difficult to secure funding for “behind the scenes” work like material handling.

But with patrons still wanting a good selection of fresh new books, many libraries find themselves between a rock and a hard place. Facing this, the two biggest libraries in Denmark, Aarhus and Copenhagen, in collaboration with Lyngsoe systems developed a modern logistic management system much like the warehouse management system which controls the flow of goods in a supermarket: Items must be displayed attractively, and alerts sent to the system if replenishments are needed, goods that doesn’t move well needs to be weeded out and each branch have a profile mirroring the needs of the individual communities. All the way through all items are documented and checked. Every item can be traced at any given time. The library knows exactly where a particular set of DVD’s are.

Helle Lauridsen
Lyngsoe Systems
Henrik Kjelgaard
Lyngsoe Systems


Evidence and emotion: establishing a workplace journal club to share knowledge, experience and camaraderie

Continuing professional development is hugely beneficial to individual and institutional learning, but restricted budgets, lack of time, and busy workloads are common barriers to participation. But what are librarians good at? Finding research literature. And what do librarians need a lot of? Coffee.

A journal club creates an opportunity to engage with scholarly work and share personal practices in an informal and democratic space. By bringing together the evidence and creating protected time to air reflections and concerns, a journal club can contribute to a sense of shared understandingand solidarity. I will share practical guidance on establishing and managing your own journal club.

Hannah Hickman
Aston University

Hannah has recently moved to a research support role, having previously worked as a liaison librarian and in community engagement. She is interested in the intersection of critical information literacy and scholarly communications.


UKSG Annual General Meeting

Auditorium 1



Lunch and exhibition viewing


Platinum Sponsors: Gale, a Cengage company - Digital Humanities for the 99% or: How we can all learn to stop worrying and love text and data mining

The approaches to research encompassed by the umbrella term 'digital humanities' allow us to ask completely new questions, or reveal new insights into seemingly closed discussions. For those on the inside, with the relevant skills and resources, it is a radically exciting time.

What about the rest of us, the "99%" if you will? In this presentation I will talk about how Gale's Digital Scholar Lab is designed to make elements of Digital Humanities accessible to all levels of users. In particular, the new "teaching layer" introduces pedagogical tools that will bring Text and Data Mining into the classroom.

Seth Cayley
VP, Primary Sources Gale, A Cengage Company

Seth Cayley is the Vice President for Gale Primary Sources at Gale, a Cengage company. He and his global team are responsible for commissioning and creating Gale's award-winning digital archive products, which include 19th Century British Library Newspapers, Eighteenth Century Collections Online, and China and the Modern World.

Seth and his team work with many of the world's leading libraries to conserve and digitise their special collections, and make them more widely available to researchers and students worldwide. Partner libraries include The British Library, Harvard Libraries, the Second Historical Archives (Nanjing) and the University of Oxford's Bodleian Library.

In total, the Gale digital archive programme contains more than 200 million pages of scanned rare materials, covering over 800 years of global history. These products are available in more than 5,000 libraries worldwide.

Seth has written a number of articles about digital resources - and their impact on research and teaching - for both academic journals and the mainstream press, and regularly presents at conferences worldwide.


S. Cayley "Digitization for the Masses: Taking Users Beyond Simple Searching in Nineteenth Century Collections Online", Journal of Victorian Culture Vol 22 Issue 2 (2017) DOI:

S. Cayley and C. Horrocks, "The Punch Historical Archive, 1841-1992: A Sustainable Brand for the Digital Age", Victorian Periodicals Review, Vol 48 Number 2 (2015)


Breakouts - Group B


Refreshments and exhibition viewing


Breakouts - Group D

Breakout session descriptions

Recorded Presentations available below 

Evidence-Based Acquisitions (EBA): A case study from Maynooth University Library -  Elizabeth Murphy, Maynooth University   


Principles, models and toolkit for transformative Open Access agreements

The relationship between libraries and society publishers has potential for becoming much closer. As societies seek to transition to Open Access (OA) there is new opportunity to work together to achieve shared strategies. In 2019 new principles to inform the development of transformative agreements were jointly developed by representatives of library consortia and society publishers as part of the SPA OPS project. A model transformative agreement toolkit built on these principles was developed, and then piloted by societies and consortia in a number of countries. This presentation will provide a first overview of those pilots and lessons learned.

Alicia Wise
Information Power

Alicia Wise is Executive Director of CLOCKSS, a community of research libraries and academic publishers working together to ensure the long-term preservation of the scholarly record. She has been active in increasing access to research information for 20 years in roles within our publishing community (e.g. with Elsevier, the Publishers Association, the Publishers Licensing Service) and also within the library community (e.g. Jisc, a range of universities). Her Ph.D. is in Anthropology and focussed on the Roman invasion of Scotland and resistance to this.


You can publish that: How librarians can promote a culture of undergraduate research and scholarship

Undergraduate research experiences provide undisputed benefits to students. By offering services and tools to engage, support, and promote undergraduate work, the library plays a key role in attracting and retaining an institution’s best and brightest students. In this talk, a librarian from a small arts and humanities institution in the U.S. explains how library services and an institutional repository work in tandem to create experiential learning opportunities for undergraduates while simultaneously highlighting their research. Attendees will come away with strategic lessons to promote the originality and academic enterprise of your students and emphasize the library’s role in cultivating a mission of undergraduate success.

Kathleen Spring
Linfield College


"Trigger happy users" - PDA in a cross-Disciplinary research Institution

For modern libraries of today, it is common knowledge that book collections are evolved and maintained more efficiently by using Patron Driven Acquisitions (PDA). The University Library of Southern Denmark is a “late mover” in this area - to the extent of not having a full-scale PDA system in service yet.                   

In our presentation and poster, we will share some thoughts on why this is no simple matter for a university library like us, catering to curricular and research needs of a medium sized, cross-disciplinary research institution in a non-English-speaking country. We will also share observations made during a year-long PDA experiment with few restraints, where the system was set up to allow users as much “natural behaviour” as possible.

Kamilla Jensen Husen
University of Southern Denmark


Exhibition viewing


Gala Reception and Networking Event

This year's Gala event will be different - we have taken over a club to allow lots more time for networking.  Please feel free to come and go during the evening just remember to show your badge to security to get back in. Hot and cold food and drinks will be provided.  There will be quiet rooms for relaxing and chatting, plus the main event rooms - lots of opportunities for networking!

Key milestones for the evening:

19:00 Welcoming address from the Chair of UKSG, Andrew Barker and a welcome from the sponsors of our evening, Springer Nature

20:15 Our very own UKSG band will be playing a selection of hits

21:00 - 01: 00 The UKSG disco

Programme and Speakers


Registration, refreshments and exhibition viewing


Breakouts - Group C

Breakout session descriptions

Recorded Presentations available below 

 Developing an institution's textbook and courseware strategies Caroline Mackay  Jisc Collections Becky Hartnup Becky Hartnup Consulting  


Refreshments and exhibition viewing

Ground Floor - Foyer


Breakouts - Group D

Breakout session descriptions

Recorded Presentations available below 

Evidence-Based Acquisitions (EBA): A case study from Maynooth University Library -  Elizabeth Murphy, Maynooth University   


Inclusion and equity in practice: Emerald's Stride project

In creating an environment which supports inclusion and equality, culture will eat metrics for breakfast. How do you create belonging without conformity? How do you effectively align internal and external missions to ensure authenticity? This session will explore Emerald Publishing’s approach to an internal D&I programme – the opportunity, challenges, and results – going beyond the textbook approach to create a community-driven movement.

Vicky Williams
Emerald Publishing

Vicky has held a variety of senior roles at Emerald, including Head of Publishing Development, Director of Business Development and Marketing, and most recently, Group Director of People and CEO of Emerald’s creative business, Research Media.

This range of experience – spanning editorial, new product / digital development, business intelligence, HR and global marketing communications – provides broad insight into the challenges and opportunities facing academic publishing. It’s an exciting time to lead Emerald in meeting them.

Vicky is also a keen advocate for diversity in academic publishing, launching Emerald’s workplace diversity programme, STRIDE, in 2015, and speaking on the issue at international conferences and events.


Leadership, inclusivity and open research

An important element for successful innovation in Libraries is developing a culture of experimentation, built on the principles of inclusion with an appreciation and encouragement of diverse ideas, thoughts, structures, and people. Often at the beginning of this process, a bold approach is needed to break existing silos, champion inclusion, take new approaches and set the overall direction. This talk will focus on how we are developing a culture of experimentation and inclusion at the University of York Library & Archives, and what can be done to make a sectoral difference.

Masud Khokhar
University of York

Masud is the University Librarian and Keeper of the Brotherton Collection at the University of Leeds. A computer scientist by education, and with libraries in his DNA, Masud is passionate about digital leadership and innovation in the changing library and archive environments. His core interests include strategic development, digital transformation, open research, and inclusive leadership. Masud is also the Vice-Chair of Research Libraries UK (RLUK) and a firm supporter of diversity embedded in our thinking and practice within libraries and collections.


A Scholar-Activist’s Reflections: Generating Counter-Orthodoxy Spaces Through Pedagogies of Disruption

Global Youth Work as a discipline aims to 1) provoke consciousness and 2) support those most affected, to take action. In the speaker’s situatedness as a scholar-activist, he will draw on his heretic attempts to engender pedagogies of disruption in the realisation of the dual mandate of Global Youth Work; especially in decolonising the curriculum and supporting action based on social justice.

In sharing his work in active advocacy that brings academics, students, policy makers and practitioners together, to develop curriculum currency and maintain a constant dialogue between theory and practice, the speaker will draw on his work both in England and The Gambia, in setting up a journal that promotes critical Southern voices, setting up a library with colleagues from De Montfort University in The Gambia, convening the annual “questioning the logic of the system” conference, and in generating counter-orthodoxy spaces, both in theory and practice.

Momodou Sallah
De Montfort University
  • Dr Momodou Sallah is the Director, Centre for Academic Innovation, and a Reader in Globalisation and Global Youth Work at De Montfort University, UK. He is also a founding Director of Global Hands, which is a Social Enterprise/Charity operating in The Gambia and UK, with a focus on capacity building and social good. In June 2013, he was awarded a National Teaching Fellowship by the UK Higher Education Academy. In November 2015, he was named the "Most Innovative Teacher" in the UK by Times Higher. He has more than 20 years' experience working with young people at local, national and international levels; from being the Youth Director of Gambia Red Cross Society to a Senior Youth Worker at the Leicester City Council, UK. Dr. Sallah has numerous publications in the fields of work with black young people, young Muslims and globalisation/global youth work. His research interests include diversity, participatory methodologies, globalisation in relation especially to young people, and Public Engagement.


Close of Conference


Tuesday, December 10, 2019 - 00:00 GMT - Wednesday, September 16, 2020 - 00:00 BST

£ 475.00 + £ 95.00 VAT

UKSG Member - £475.00 +VAT (total £570.00)

£ 645.00 + £ 129.00 VAT

UKSG Non-Member - £645.00+VAT (total £774.00)

£ 0.00 + £ 0.00 VAT

None/Other: e.g. Day Delegate Options


For any queries 

General queries - 

Sponsorship queries - Beatrice Palombo Fumey, Marketing Manager, Content Online, +46 (0)72-253 62 99;

Exhibition queries - Karina Hunt at KHEC - /telephone 07900 165948




The closing date for cancellations is Friday 28th February, after which date cancellations will not be eligible for a refund.  Cancellation should be sent into writing to

The UKSG code of conduct can be found here and UKSG terms and conditions here


NB: UKSG reserves the right to alter or vary the programme due to events or circumstances beyond its reasonable control without being obliged to refund monies.

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