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Table Of Contents

Serials Volume 12, No. 1, March 1999

1 Editorial
  UKSG seminar: Consortia and Site Licensing
3 The Gutenberg legacy: burden, boon or irrelevance? - Bernard Naylor
7 Changing the financial model for libraries - Frederick J. Friend
13 The value of the subscription agent in the changing financial model - Suzanne Wilson Higgins
17 NESLI - the National Electronic Site Licence Initiative... creating a bit of a disturbance - Hazel Woodward
21 Building an academic community around the journal: a glimpse of the future - John Cox
  UKSG/TFPL seminar: E-journals in the corporate environment
27 Electronic journals in the corporate environment - Martin White
31 The role of electronic journals in the corporate library - Vincent Cassidy
35 The publishers' perspective - Jane Martin - [Full Text Online]
  ASA seminar: Global solutions to global challenges
41 Eastern Europe: back to the future? - Peter Lawson - [Full Text Online]
  General Articles
47 Serials housekeeping in a federal setting - Matthew Searle
51 The IFLA World Directory of National Union Catalogues - Sara Gould
55 HERON: an update on the development of a project - Marianne Jacques
  Regular features
58 UKSG News
60 News
64 Surfing the Net
68 Profile: John Jarvis
71 Out and about on the conference and seminar circuit
79 New products and services
81 People
85 Bookshelf
88 Diary
91 Abbreviations and acronyms

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