FREE UKSG webinar – Federated authentication for library resources: can it be trusted?

Wednesday 14th July 2021

This is a fantastic opportunity to listen to expert speakers with no travelling required. This is a free webinar – Please note that advance registration is required. This webinar will be recorded and all registrants will receive a link to the recording after the session.

Library users are increasingly authenticating to online resources from off campus. Access control via campus IP recognition remains but publishers and service providers are increasingly investing in federated single sign on technologies such as SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language). Can libraries trust a platform that asks users to sign in with their personal institutional credentials? This webinar will explain how federated authentication works, will discuss the benefits for libraries and service providers and address the apparent conflict between offering personalisation whilst still preserving user privacy.

FREE UKSG webinar – Federated authentication for library resources: can it be trusted? | UKSG

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