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Reach Publishing is a scheme focusing on diversifying publishing from the bottom up, increasing its reach and improving access to the industry for young people from underrepresented backgrounds.

In the UK, most publishers are based in either Oxford or London and as a result, young people who live elsewhere or who are unable to move or travel to either area are restricted from the valuable and often necessary work experience or internships. Both are often considered important when applying for entry-level roles in publishing and this skewed regional access has resulted in a widely homogeneous workforce.  

The scheme won one of UKSG's 2019 Innovation Awards for Publisher: Diversity, and offers participants the chance to get an insight into academic publishing and its core functions: Marketing, Editorial, Sales, Production, Technology). Participants will also get experience equivalent to an entry-level role in one of these departments, in addition to support from an informal mentor who can provide career resources and advice on getting into publishing. 

Reach Publishing aims to improve access to publishing for individuals who may not be able to re-locate to gain experience. Aimed at young people aged 16-19, we strongly encourage participants from Wales, Scotland, the North of England, the Midlands, the South West, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. 

You can follow us on Twitter @ReachPublishing.

Details of the other award winners can be found here: