Trailblazers explained: Helping libraries support early career researchers through new publishing partnership

17 May 2024

Alice Burns

Alice Burns, Journal Marketing Executive, Liverpool University Press

Within the complex world of publishing and academia, institutional libraries and university presses sit in a prime position, occupying several roles simultaneously by aiming to foster, develop and disseminate scholarly research. In doing so, the library and the press share many of the same goals, particularly given the changing requirements of the REF. It was in the light of this ever-shifting landscape that Trailblazers was conceived. An initiative designed to build upon the shared interests of libraries and academic publishers, it harnesses the dual power of their respective resources to better support Early Career Researchers as they begin their academic careers.



What is Trailblazers?

Trailblazers is a new Open Access initiative designed to support Early Career Researchers in their first venture into scholarly publishing.

Built on collaboration and knowledge-sharing between the libraries of Lancaster University, University of Liverpool, University of Salford, and Liverpool University Press, Trailblazers combines Open Access publication, to maximise the opportunity for impact from early career research, with a series of author masterclasses, subsidised by participating institutions. These are designed to equip the selected Early Career Researcher with the knowledge and skills to support the publication of their work throughout their career.

Watch a 2-minute summary of the scheme >

Trailblazers thus provides a welcome solution to the difficulties faced by libraries wishing to support Open Access research but unsure as to how best to prioritise resources, and Early Career Researchers wanting to publish their first scholarly monograph. The untapped potential for collaboration between libraries, publishers and researchers was the building block for this initiative, and the founding institutions of Lancaster University, University of Liverpool, University of Salford and Liverpool University Press now invite other participating institutions to join the project for 2025.

Wendy Taylor, Open Research Coordinator (Publishing) at Salford emphasised the importance for libraries in committing to equitable Open Access schemes, designed for long-term support of ECRs and high-quality published material:

“At Salford we are committed to enabling equitable opportunities for Open Access publishing. Trailblazers has provided a fantastic opportunity for non-funded ECRs to receive the benefits of publishing Open Access, as well as providing the next generation of researchers with expert knowledge and understanding of publication choices and practices.”

Her colleague, Dominic Broadhurst, Head of Content & Discovery at Salford echoes his support for the scheme, explaining the necessity for sustainably funded Open Access initiatives for libraries:

“One of the key aims as we build for the future with our open content vision, is to provide financial support for innovative OA monograph initiatives such as Trailblazers. This both underpins our commitment to developing the wider OA monograph environment plus signals our intent to transform the content landscape at Salford.”

What’s involved?

Selected Early Career Researchers will experience a transparent publication process, undergoing proposal and manuscript peer review, editorial guidance from senior commissioning editors, as well as professional copy-editing, typesetting, and marketing, concluding in the publication of an open access edition of their work. A series of masterclasses by publishing and library professionals will cover everything from how to write a proposal and turn a dissertation into a book, right through to how to index and what alt-text means, plus invaluable guidance on marketing, library collection management, research metrics, and how an open access monograph will benefit their research career.

Anthony Cond, Chief Executive Officer at Liverpool University Press, shares his support for the scheme’s facilitation of greater collaboration between libraries, publishers, and researchers. He said:

“It is a flagship example of what can be achieved when a mission-focused university press and a group of forward-thinking libraries come together to explore how best to support a new generation of scholars.”

How can I find out more?

If you are an Early Career Researcher at Lancaster University, University of Liverpool, or University of Salford, then you can visit the Trailblazers webpage to find out more information. Applications closed in April for inclusion in the 2024 cohort, but to find out how to apply to the 2025 cohort, you can view the following application forms for each institution below:

Lancaster University
University of Liverpool
University of Salford

Driven by the shared enthusiasm for supporting Open Research, the project has seen enthusiastic uptake by applicants from all three founding institutions since its launch in February 2024. Louise Zambianchi, Acting Head of Open Research and Open Access Manager at Lancaster University commended the project for its impressive progress:

“Lancaster University’s Library Open Research Team is excited to take part in this collaborative venture. The initiative is another example of how we work in partnership with Lancaster researchers to provide opportunities, services, resources and training to help colleagues achieve their research goals and enable Open Research. Using such a sustainable model is crucial to the library’s vision for a more financially sustainable and equitable open monograph publishing environment. The venture has been well received with several expressions of interest so far.”

By sharing knowledge from the publisher and library perspectives, the trailblazing Early Career Researchers selected for this programme will have a unique opportunity to truly understand the publishing process from beginning to end, while at the same time reaching the widest possible audience for higher impact of their work through a sustainable Open Access initiative.

Martin Wolf, Head of Open Research at the University of Liverpool echoed the importance of the knowledge exchange between publishers, libraries, and researchers facilitated by the initiative as a positive reflection on the sector’s outlook:

“We are looking forward to introducing new and early career researchers to the world of Open Access publishing in such a supportive framework.”

How can other institutions get involved?

In partnership with the libraries of Lancaster University, University of Liverpool and University of Salford, Liverpool University Press now invite other institutions to participate in Trailblazers from 2025 onward, to support their Early Career Researchers in the path to Open Access publication. To join or find out more, please contact Alison Welsby, Editorial Director at LUP (

Find out more about how to join as a participating institution >