Insights: Your stories about success, happiness, fulfilment and impact

19 May 2023

The Editors, Lorraine and Steve

Returning refreshed from the UKSG conference we reflected on the conversations we had with friends and colleagues, many of whom we had not seen in person since 2019. So many conversations were about how our working lives have changed since the pandemic. Masud Khokhar also spoke about this in his inspiring presentation, talking about how the experience of the last few years has led to burnout for some, while others surged enjoying the absence of red tape and freedom to find new solutions fast.

Many of us are seeking a new life balance wherever we are on this spectrum. We were reminded of the article we published by Tom Shaw in 2021, who shared his approach to striving for success, happiness, fulfilment and impact. We would love to publish more articles on this theme. To share the stories about how you are achieving balance and good mental health in this new environment or how you are supporting your team to thrive. There is probably no single silver bullet and different approaches will work for different people and teams, but by sharing your stories you can help others to think about ways to adapt and find resilience and balance. If you would like to share your experience through an article in Insights please contact us.

Steve and Lorraine, Co-editors of Insights, the UKSG journal