2011 UKSG Conference: breakout sessions

 Group A

A day in the life of a publisher/agent/librarian
Ruth Wells, Taylor & Francis; Jo Connolly, Swets; Stephen Buck, Dublin City University

Hide and seek? An idiot’s guide to content dissemination and discovery
Charlie Rapple, TBI Communications

 Working with subscription agents: 2011 and beyond
Juliet Baxter and Bev Delaney, The Open University

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Share and share alike: a year in the life of a shared service for libraries and publishers
Caren Milloy and Liam Earney, JISC Collections

Driving usage – what are publishers and librarians doing to evaluate and promote usage?
Sarah Pearson, University of Birmingham; Christian Box, IOP Publishing

Just Doing IT Yourself – simple recipes for the rest of us
Tony Hirst, The Open University

The Pistoia SESL pilot project: knowledge brokering for Life Sciences?
Richard Kidd, RSC

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The Journal Usage Factor Project – what have we learnt from our data analysis?
Richard Gedye

Open library environments
Ken Chad, Ken Chad Consulting Ltd

How to become a first-class citizen of the Web
Adrian Stevenson, UKOLN, University of Bath; Jane Stevenson, Mimas, The University of Manchester

The JISC Journal Usage Statistics Portal (JUSP)
Ross MacIntyre, Mimas, The University of Manchester

Open access, repositories and research assessment: Enlighten-ing lessons from the University of Glasgow
William Nixon, University of Glasgow

Finding out about the preservation of e-journals: an overview of the Piloting an E-Journals Preservation Registry Service  (PEPRS) project
Fred Guy, EDINA, University of Edinburgh


Refurbishing the digital library: how far can our users define our e-strategy?
Jane Harvell and Chris Keene, University of Sussex

Group B

Project management for everyone
David Sommer, David Sommer Consulting

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E-journal preservation: economics and practicalities at the LSE
Lisa Cardy and Bill Barker, London School of Economics

Turn off that phone! Mobile technologies in the library
James Clay, Gloucestershire College

Academic e-resources in the UK: promoting discovery and use
Vic Lyte and Sophia Jones, Mimas, The University of Manchester

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Update ORCID (Open Researcher & Contributor ID)
Geoffrey Bilder, CrossRef/ORCID

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IReL born of the Celtic Tiger – the story of its survival of economic crisis 
Monica Crump, National University of Ireland, Galway

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Reprocurement of the national ‘Core Content’ for the NHS: a review of activity and lessons learned
Celestine Johnston, NHS Evidence, National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE)

NISO’s IOTA Working Group: creating an index for measuring the quality of OpenURL links
Rafal Kasprowski, Rice University

DataCite – facing the data citation problem
Adam Farquhar, The British Library

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Current research information systems (CRIS)
Anna Clements, University of St Andrews

United we store, divided we lose: musings from a collaborative print collective – UKRR
Frances Boyle, Imperial College London

Unified resource management – realising a vision
Jo Rademakers, KU Leuven/LIBIS

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So much data, so few connections
Lori Carlin, AIP Publishing

The price of online investment
Damian Bird, Oxford University Press

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